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For Awl Coffee LOVERS ♥

Benefits of Drinking Coffee...

The emotional and physical benefits of coffee are numerous. Not only does coffee taste good, it can stimulate you, relax you and refresh you.

Coffee stimulates your senses thanks to its caffeine content which stimulates metabolism and supports mental alertness and concentration. Your body absorbs it within 30 minutes, and its positive effects may last 2-5 hours.

Coffee relaxes you because it hydrates you. Because water is the main ingredient in a cup of coffee, it helps you work towards your daily water needs and is practically free of calories.

Coffee refreshes you with its wealth of polyphenols. Polyphenols are nutrients that help maintain your body in good health over time. They are also found in green tea, fruits and cocoa.

The next time you drink a cup of coffee, just think of all its benefits!