**Beautiful Gifts**

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"Let's Move & Let's Love"

Story writers say that love is concerned only with young
people, and the excitement and glamour of romance end at the
altar. How blind they are. The best romance is inside marriage;
the finest love stories come after the wedding, not before.
     - Irving Stone-

To read the touching, warm, wonderful story about how we met, and fell in love and decided we wanted to be with each other for the rest of our lives.

But I’ll be honest with you: I don’t particularly enjoy looking back on everything it took to get to this point. A lot of it was really tough. All worth it, of course. Every minute of it. We dug our feet in quite often, determined that all the hard stuff didn’t matter, ultimately, because we loved each other enough to figure it out, to make it work. To figure out how to spend the rest of our lives together. 
I’m not a good writer but I’m trying to share my life being a married woman. A long story to tell how we met and how we find each other.. But I find it really amazing!

It’s impossible to overestimate how quickly we became friends not knowing each other. The first time we met, it was Aug. 5, 2008 Tuesday afternoon, 2 days after he left KSA and decided to come back home. The first time we saw each other. Having a conversation with Neil in person for the first time was like that. I felt like I instantly knew who he was, and what he was all about, and how much the two of us had in common.

We’re moving together, sharing the love and dreams of having a good family, good future and walking in one direction. 

More than anything though, I think this is the thesis that has guided me and Neil through our entire relationship: “I just really want to be friends with this person forever.” I’m not sure either of us really knew what that was going to mean other than this: We knew we had to figure out a way to be a part of each other’s lives, because now that we knew this other person was out there, if we didn’t it would always feel like something was missing.


When you are ‘in love’ you will feel a strong bond between you and the other person. You will always be on the lookout for this person. You will be happy whenever the person you are in love which acknowledges you. The feeling of being in love is one of the most beautiful of them all. You will find that everything around you is bright, sunny, optimistic, happy. Being in love is a unique experience all human being should undergo. The experience can teach us reach new heights in maintaining and nurturing relationship.